Samoopraviteľné batérie v elektromobiloch.

Samoopraviteľné batérie v elektromobiloch. (Nr 42/2021)

Izraelský startup StoreDot oznámil, že pracuje na systéme automatickej opravy článkov v batériách používaných v elektrických vozidlách. Spoločnosť má patentova...

Čítaj viac
Oko z 3D tlačiarne.

Oko z 3D tlačiarne. (Nr 41/2021)

V Spojenom kráľovstve bol úspešne dokončený pokus o vytvorenie a implementáciu protetického oka vyrobeného pomocou 3D tlačiarne. Zákrok sa uskutočnil v nemocni...

Čítaj viac
DVB publikuje špecifikáciu 8K UHD.

DVB publikuje špecifikáciu 8K UHD. (Nr 40/2021)

Organizácia DVB schválila špecifikáciu, ktorá po prvýkrát predstavuje 8K UHD video. Nové technické požiadavky, ktoré rozširujú existujúcu podporu pre kodek HEV...

Čítaj viac
Kamera, ktorá ukazuje neviditeľné.

Kamera, ktorá ukazuje neviditeľné. (Nr 39/2021)

Výskumníci z Northwestern University zostrojili kameru s vysokým rozlíšením, ktorá vám umožňuje „vidieť“ to, čo je bežne neviditeľné. Pomocou nej môžete nahlia...

Čítaj viac
Implantát, ktorý mení myšlienky na písmená.

Implantát, ktorý mení myšlienky na písmená. (Nr 38/2021)

Výskumníci z laboratória pre preklad neurálnej protetiky na Stanfordskej univerzite vytvorili funkčné rozhranie mozog-počítač, ktoré dokáže premeniť signály mo...

Čítaj viac
Japonsko legalizovalo „lietajúce auto“.

Japonsko legalizovalo „lietajúce auto“. (Nr 37/2021)

SkyDrive, japonský startup pracujúci na vývoji „lietajúceho auta“, oznámil, že jeho vozidlo získalo bezpečnostný certifikát. Certifikát udelilo japonské minist...

Čítaj viac

DVB DEMOS 2021. (Nr 36/2021)

Minulý mesiac sa uskutočnilo druhé vydanie online DVB DEMOS. Počas podujatia členovia DVB demonštrovali online inovatívne produkty a služby založené na najnovš...

Čítaj viac
Scientists have developed a new system for robot movement.

Scientists have developed a new system for robot movement. (Nr 35/2021)

Scientists at the AI lab at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) have designed a new control system that allows four-legged robots to navigate rough ter...

Čítaj viac
Mixed reality application.

Mixed reality application. (Nr 34/2021)

Researchers from the University of Duisburg-Essen, the Zurich Federal Technical University and the AI development department at Porsche have demonstrated a pro...

Čítaj viac
The 6G race.

The 6G race. (Nr 33/2021)

The implementation and transition to the 5G is now underway. Meanwhile, research on the next standard for mobile broadband networks has reached an advanced sta...

Čítaj viac
Sofia Digital will create a Central Service Registry for DVB-I.

Sofia Digital will create a Central Service Registry for DVB-I. (Nr 32/2021)

On behalf of the DVB organization, Sofia Digital will create a Central Service Registry (CSR) for the DVB-I standard. In the future, the entire standard will o...

Čítaj viac
Taara project – high-speed Internet transmitted by laser.

Taara project – high-speed Internet transmitted by laser. (Nr 31/2021)

Google-owned company X announced that a prototype implementation of a laser communication system has been successfully completed. The Taara project consists in...

Čítaj viac
New, super fast laser random number generator.

New, super fast laser random number generator. (Nr 30/2021)

Scientists have created an entirely new random number generator based on laser light emission. According to normal standards, the design of the new laser is a ...

Čítaj viac
Battery to last 28,000 years.

Battery to last 28,000 years. (Nr 29/2021)

One of the most important parameters for a battery is its lifespan. An American startup called NDB (Nano Diamond Battery) claims to be able to produce a self-c...

Čítaj viac
Digital terrestrial television on the 5G network.

Digital terrestrial television on the 5G network. (Nr 28/2021)

DVB consortium developing standards for digital television broadcasting (DVB) has approved the publication of DVB-Bluebook C100 which contains the commercial r...

Čítaj viac
Floating photovoltaic panels – this is how farms are built in Asia.

Floating photovoltaic panels – this is how farms are built in Asia. (Nr 27/2021)

Singapore-based Sunseap Group and central government agency BP Batam, responsible for land development on Indonesia's Batam Island, have signed a contract to b...

Čítaj viac
Will you buy a robot from Tesla?

Will you buy a robot from Tesla? (Nr 26/2021)

During Tesla AI Day (Artificial Intelligence Day) Elon Musk announced the development of humanoid robots. Called Tesla Bot, the machine is expected to be built...

Čítaj viac
Laser transmission in space.

Laser transmission in space. (Nr 25/2021)

This year's landing of the Perseverance rover on Mars, followed by the transmission of excellent-quality images and even video to Earth, has sparked discussion...

Čítaj viac
Will QUIC oust TCP? – New network protocol from Google.

Will QUIC oust TCP? – New network protocol from Google. (Nr 24/2021)

QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connections), a communication protocol developed by Google to speed up data exchange between devices on the Internet, has been accepte...

Čítaj viac
Energia z WiFi.

Energia z WiFi. (Nr 23/2021)

Rozvoj digitálneho prenosu údajov vyústil do exponenciálneho rastu Wi-Fi. Frekvencia 2,4 GHz je široko používaná, čo podnietilo výskumných pracovníkov k pokusu...

Čítaj viac
Google promises a quantum computer by 2029.

Google promises a quantum computer by 2029. (Nr 22/2021)

At I/O 2021, Google revealed its plans for developing a quantum computer. It is to develop a functional quantum computer with an error correction functionality...

Čítaj viac
IBM has created 2 nm chips.

IBM has created 2 nm chips. (Nr 21/2021)

IBM claims to have made a significant breakthrough in computer processor manufacturing. All of this is thanks to a new 2-nanometer technology that allows 50 bi...

Čítaj viac
Less electronic waste? Transistors for recycling.

Less electronic waste? Transistors for recycling. (Nr 20/2021)

Engineers at American Duke University have developed the world's first printed electronics that are fully recyclable. The researchers have printed the transist...

Čítaj viac
New vision of home monitoring from Amazon.

New vision of home monitoring from Amazon. (Nr 19/2021)

American technology company Amazon's Ring has recently unveiled a flying and room-monitoring camera that activates when sensors detect a potential home intrusi...

Čítaj viac
The most powerful weather supercomputer will be built in the UK.

The most powerful weather supercomputer will be built in the UK. (Nr 18/2021)

Microsoft and Met Office, the UK's national weather agency, have begun a collaborative effort to create a supercomputer dedicated to predicting weather, monito...

Čítaj viac
Wireless power supply.

Wireless power supply. (Nr 17/2021)

It is hard to imagine streets without electric utility poles. However, if the New Zealand government enters into a permanent partnership with a startup called ...

Čítaj viac
Monitoring with AI will watch the elderly.

Monitoring with AI will watch the elderly. (Nr 16/2021)

After years of discussions and debates, the first attempt to use surveillance cameras in elderly care homes is about to begin in Australia. The system is desig...

Čítaj viac
5G will contribute to the development of 8K TV in China.

5G will contribute to the development of 8K TV in China. (Nr 15/2021)

Chinese CCTV television wants to launch the broadcast of the Beijing Winter Olympics in 8K UHD resolution on several channels thanks to the development of 5G n...

Čítaj viac
Ranking of countries with the best communication, Denmark at the leading position.

Ranking of countries with the best communication, Denmark at the leading position. (Nr 14/2021)

The recently published UK Internet Accessibility Index 2021 report ranks Denmark as the best-connected country in the world. Also Liechtenstein and USA are on ...

Čítaj viac
Another manned flight to the Moon is getting closer and closer.

Another manned flight to the Moon is getting closer and closer. (Nr 13/2021)

On March 18, 2021, a major test of the RS-25 engines, a part of the SLS rocket, was conducted at NASA's Stennis Space Center. The test consisted in running all...

Čítaj viac
Will polymer cables replace the copper ones?

Will polymer cables replace the copper ones? (Nr 12/2021)

A team of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has presented a new type of polymer cable that is less than 0.5 mm in diameter. Thinner and ...

Čítaj viac
Hikvision highlights 10 trends in the security industry for 2021.

Hikvision highlights 10 trends in the security industry for 2021. (Nr 11/2021)

Despite the crisis for many industries in 2020, the continuous transformation of solutions in the security world has not stopped, and, in areas such as multi-t...

Čítaj viac
Starlink satellite Internet will speed up.

Starlink satellite Internet will speed up. (Nr 10/2021)

The SpaceX's high-speed satellite Internet access service is expected to double the speed this year, providing a link with a bandwidth of up to 300 Mbps with a...

Čítaj viac
It was no more than 11 minutes before we knew that the Perseverance rover had landed on Mars.

It was no more than 11 minutes before we knew that the Perseverance rover had landed on Mars. (Nr 9/2021)

The Perseverance rover landed on the Red Planet on February 18. During the most advanced mission to Mars, launched on July 30, 2020, the rover worth more than ...

Čítaj viac
A breakthrough in the field of optical transmission?

A breakthrough in the field of optical transmission? (Nr 8/2021)

The Korean Institute of Science and Technology announced that a research team led by Dr. Yong Won Song from the Center for Optoelectronic Materials and Devices...

Čítaj viac
Konečne skutočné bezdrôtové nabíjanie!

Konečne skutočné bezdrôtové nabíjanie! (Nr 7/2021)

Spoločnosť Xiaomi, svetoznámy čínsky výrobca telefónov, predstavila spôsob nabíjania telefónov bez použitia káblov. Pod názvom Mi Air Charge má nabíjačka 144 a...

Čítaj viac
Microsoft umožňuje rozhovor so zosnulým.

Microsoft umožňuje rozhovor so zosnulým. (Nr 6/2021)

Spoločnosť Microsoft si dala patentovať kontroverzný koncept technológie, ktorá vám umožňuje vytvoriť virtuálneho zosnulého človeka takým spôsobom, že sa s ním...

Čítaj viac
Vrtuľník na Marse.

Vrtuľník na Marse. (Nr 5/2021)

Už vo februári 2021 pristane na Červenej planéte veľký rover Perseverance so zaveseným vrtuľníkom Ingenuity. Vrtuľník Ingenuity je súčasťou misie Mars 2020. Sp...

Čítaj viac
Prvá kvantová sieť na svete.

Prvá kvantová sieť na svete. (Nr 4/2021)

Čínski vedci vytvorili prvú integrovanú kvantovú komunikačnú sieť na svete prepojením viac ako 700 pozemských optických vlákien a dvoch pozemských satelitných ...

Čítaj viac
Ešte inteligentnejšie kamery.

Ešte inteligentnejšie kamery. (Nr 3/2021)

Moderné systémy umelej inteligencie (AI) kombinujú kamery (senzory) a výpočtové zariadenia, napríklad grafické jednotky (GPU). Takto nakonfigurované systémy AI...

Čítaj viac
Batéria a nabíjačka v jednom - nová technológia zachytávania a ukladania slnečnej energie.

Batéria a nabíjačka v jednom - nová technológia zachytávania a ukladania slnečnej energie. (Nr 2/2021)

Vedci z University v anglickom Lancasteri vynašli nový materiál, ktorý dokáže zachytiť energiu zo slnečného žiarenia a uložiť ju do svojej štruktúry. Jeho štru...

Čítaj viac
Misia kozmickej sondy mala trvať 2 roky, ale je to už 25 rokov!

Misia kozmickej sondy mala trvať 2 roky, ale je to už 25 rokov! (Nr 1/2021)

SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) je vesmírna sonda, ktorá bola vytvorená v spolupráci NASA a ESA. Na obežnú dráhu ju vyniesli 2. decembra 1995. SOHO m...

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