Inteligentné hodinky a náramky nabíjané pohybom ľudského tela.

Inteligentné hodinky a náramky nabíjané pohybom ľudského tela. (Nr 42/2020)

Vedci z čínskej univerzity v Hongkongu vyvinuli kompaktný elektromagnetický generátor, ktorý využíva na napájanie inteligentných hodiniek pohyb ľudského tela. ...

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Umelá inteligencia spoločnosti Google naďalej prekonáva bariéry.

Umelá inteligencia spoločnosti Google naďalej prekonáva bariéry. (Nr 41/2020)

Spoločnosť DeepMind, program umelej inteligencie (AI), ktorú vlastní spoločnosť Google, urobila prielom v riešení jednej z najväčších výziev v biológii, pri ur...

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Spoločnosť Microsoft používa tretiu dimenziu na ukladanie údajov ako hologramov.

Spoločnosť Microsoft používa tretiu dimenziu na ukladanie údajov ako hologramov. (Nr 40/2020)

Spoločnosť Microsoft oznámila spustenie projektu HSD (Holographic Storage Device) zameraného na vytvorenie nástupcu SSD a HDD. V rámci projektu majú vedci vytv...

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The pandemic has some benefits anyway.

The pandemic has some benefits anyway. (Nr 39/2020)

According to observations from the ground and in the space, there has been a significant reduction in some air pollutants since the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak....

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Optical fiber under high pressure.

Optical fiber under high pressure. (Nr 38/2020)

Using computer simulations, scientists from the University of Hokkaido and Pennsylvania State University have proved that data transmission through optical fib...

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Engineers are working on the self-watering soil that could transform farming.

Engineers are working on the self-watering soil that could transform farming. (Nr 37/2020)

Engineers at the University of Texas in Austin have created a new type of soil that can pull water from the air on cool, humid days and at night, and then rele...

Čítaj viac
Printed biomedical sensors.

Printed biomedical sensors. (Nr 36/2020)

An international team of scientists from the US and China have developed a new simple way to place electronic circuits directly on the skin and use them to bui...

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Historic landing on an asteroid.

Historic landing on an asteroid. (Nr 35/2020)

On October 20, NASA successfully completed another mission. For the first time in NASA history, the OSIRIS-REx probe collected a sample from Bennu asteroid (mo...

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Graphene bolometers for quantum processors.

Graphene bolometers for quantum processors. (Nr 34/2020)

Physicists from Aalto University and VTT Technical Research Center in Finland have developed a new detector to measure energy quanta with unprecedented speed a...

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A Swedish startup planning a revolution in road transport with driverless goods vehicles to hit the road soon.

A Swedish startup planning a revolution in road transport with driverless goods vehicles to hit the road soon. (Nr 33/2020)

Einride, a Swedish startup manufacturer of driverless electric trucks, has presented a new vehicle that the company hopes to introduce in road transport in 202...

Čítaj viac
Graphene supercapacitors in electric vehicles.

Graphene supercapacitors in electric vehicles. (Nr 32/2020)

Skeleton Technololgies, an Estonian manufacturer of graphene supercapacitors, is working with the German Institute of Technology in Karlsruhe (KIT) to develop ...

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Back to the moon.

Back to the moon. (Nr 31/2020)

The space agency NASA has released plans for the Artemis program to begin next year. If things go as planned, the final project will be landing of astronauts o...

Čítaj viac
How many CCTV cameras are there currently in London?

How many CCTV cameras are there currently in London? (Nr 30/2020)

There are now around 25 million CCTV cameras estimated to be in use worldwide, and London is one of the best monitored cities in the world. Official figures o...

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The ground-breaking battery-free Game Boy.

The ground-breaking battery-free Game Boy. (Nr 29/2020)

Scientists from the US Northwestern University engineered a game console called Engage, which is a replica of the legendary Game Boy, a console first released ...

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Bill Gates invests in satellite dishes.

Bill Gates invests in satellite dishes. (Nr 28/2020)

The co-founder of Microsoft has once again financially supported Kymeta. This American company is involved in creating solutions for continuous and reliable acc...

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Another speed record!

Another speed record! (Nr 27/2020)

The latest achievement of the UCL (University College London) scientists and employees of Xter and KDDI Research meets with great admiration from those dealing...

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Amazon Dash Cart – the intelligent shopping cart.

Amazon Dash Cart – the intelligent shopping cart. (Nr 26/2020)

Amazon has presented a smart shopping cart that uses cameras and sensors to identify the items put inside by a customer. Named Amazon Dash Cart, the smart cart...

Čítaj viac
Driverless buses in cities – EU pilot program.

Driverless buses in cities – EU pilot program. (Nr 25/2020)

A real revolution in public transport is coming by bringing driverless buses to the streets of European cities. At the initiative of the European Union, a proj...

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Asians are already working on the 6G network development.

Asians are already working on the 6G network development. (Nr 24/2020)

No sooner had the 5G technology been implemented around the world than the race began among companies to develop the next, sixth generation of the cellular net...

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5G on the roof of the world!

5G on the roof of the world! (Nr 23/2020)

Cellular coverage in the mountains is hardly ever good. This is of course due to the terrain and the cost that the operator would have to bear to build a syste...

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The fastest camera in the world.

The fastest camera in the world. (Nr 22/2020)

In an article published in the Nature Communications journal, scientists from the California Institute of Technology presented a new imaging technique that can...

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A new type of memory can change computers.

A new type of memory can change computers. (Nr 21/2020)

Seeking to create smaller and more efficient computers, scientists from the New York University (NYU) have developed a new digital data storage technology name...

Čítaj viac
Green energy for industry through artificial intelligence and cameras.

Green energy for industry through artificial intelligence and cameras. (Nr 20/2020)

The American company Heliogen has engineered a method to utilise solar energy to generate and store heat for use in heavy industry as an alternative to fossil ...

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An enzyme that will improve the quality of recycling.

An enzyme that will improve the quality of recycling. (Nr 19/2020)

The whole world has been trying for years to find a method for low-cost processing of plastic. Typical plastic, e.g. a bottle, turns into a ‘new’ material when...

Čítaj viac
Will drones help fight the coronavirus?

Will drones help fight the coronavirus? (Nr 18/2020)

In cooperation with Draganfly, an American drone-manufacturing company, the Westport Police Department in Connecticut (a state close to New York that has seen ...

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New solar cells for record performance.

New solar cells for record performance. (Nr 17/2020)

Scientists from the US National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) have produced a six-junction solar cell with the solar conversion efficiency of 47.1%, the highest ...

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A radio telescope in outer space.

A radio telescope in outer space. (Nr 16/2020)

NASA has announced plans to use a crater on the surface of the moon to deploy a giant 1 km radio telescope. The lunar crater radio telescope (LCRT) would rely ...

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AI learns to understand brain signals.

AI learns to understand brain signals. (Nr 15/2020)

Scientists from the University of California, San Francisco, used deep-learning algorithms to translate brain signals into sentences.They were able to generate...

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A single receiver and

A single receiver and "antenna" for the whole 0 - 100 GHz spectrum? (Nr 14/2020)

American army scientists have developed a receiver that allows to detect signals almost over the entire radio frequency spectrum, from 0 to 100 GHz. The invent...

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A 15-hour energy storage system in New York.

A 15-hour energy storage system in New York. (Nr 13/2020)

Zinc8 Energy Solution, a Canadian start-up previously known as MGX Renewables, has signed an agreement to implement an innovative energy storage system in New...

Čítaj viac
Neural hardware for faster image recognition.

Neural hardware for faster image recognition. (Nr 12/2020)

Scientists from the Technical University of Vienna (Technische Universität Wien, TUW) have developed an electronic system capable of object recognition, consis...

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Commercial spaceflights.

Commercial spaceflights. (Nr 11/2020)

An American company, Axiom Space, plans to send tourists to the International Space Station (ISS) for 10 days in the second half of 2021. Dubbed Crew Dragon, t...

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The first checkout-free supermarket in Lisbon

The first checkout-free supermarket in Lisbon (Nr 10/2020)

Jerónimo Martins, a Portuguese retail group, has just opened its first cashless Pingo Doce supermarket in Carcavelos in Lisbon. Known as Pingo Doce & Go Lab St...

Čítaj viac
Can drones provide internet coverage?

Can drones provide internet coverage? (Nr 9/2020)

In 2017, Rahul Tiwari, a 22-year-old student at Purdue University in the state of Indiana, USA, hit on an ingenious way to bring internet coverage to remote ar...

Čítaj viac
The world's first all-optical data encryption technology.

The world's first all-optical data encryption technology. (Nr 8/2020)

BGN Technologies, a technology transfer company based at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, has developed what it hails as a new technology for th...

Čítaj viac
Solar panels that work round the clock.

Solar panels that work round the clock. (Nr 7/2020)

Engineers from the University of California, Davis, are currently working on anti-solar cells designed to complement the already well-known photovoltaic panels...

Čítaj viac
A new European 5G speed record.

A new European 5G speed record. (Nr 6/2020)

Italian cellphone operator, TIM (Telecom Italia Mobile), has just announced a new transmission speed record in a commercial 5G network. In tandem with Ericsson...

Čítaj viac
Hikvision identifies 7 key trends for the security industry in 2020.

Hikvision identifies 7 key trends for the security industry in 2020. (Nr 5/2020)

The new year may bring many important innovations in the security industry. New technologies, such as multi-dimensional perception, ultra-high definition (UHD)...

Čítaj viac
AI will create videos based on text description.

AI will create videos based on text description. (Nr 4/2020)

An international research group has developed a tool capable of generating videos based on text inputs and video repositories. To quickly create high-quality v...

Čítaj viac
Undersea fiber-optic cables will help detect earthquakes.

Undersea fiber-optic cables will help detect earthquakes. (Nr 3/2020)

In an article published in the journal Science, researchers from the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), Monterey ...

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AI protects salmon against parasites

AI protects salmon against parasites (Nr 2/2020)

Parasites such as sea lice have a serious impact on salmon farm populations around the world. In recent years, sea lice have depleted the total stock of Norweg...

Čítaj viac
Is language learning a thing of the past?

Is language learning a thing of the past? (Nr 1/2020)

Communicating in languages you don't know may no longer be the stuff of dreams. Google has just announced its "Google Assistant" app has been upgraded to inclu...

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